Help! My dog is afraid of ghosts!

Help! My dog is afraid of ghosts!


with Carolyn Wilki

FMI: TELEPHONE — (610) 674-0160

This clinic is especially for fearful dogs: those who hide from loud noises, shrink from grooming, hate traveling in the car, hate bathing, run from other dogs and people, suffer from separation anxiety, and/or “see ghosts” when there are none, etc.

1. Background:
How the heck did this happen to my dog? Before and after fear developed: What may be happening in the dog’s brain? Learned Helplessness Paradigm Which are you: Part of the problem or part of the solution? What can you do?

2. Laying the groundwork:
Design for success—Dogality Profile Assessment for My Dog Fluency-- Reading Your Dog’s Body Language Fundamental obedience exercises and emotional/behavioral responses for your dog to practice Managing for success; coping with failure Training for alternative response: (place, object, focus, behavior, emotion)

3. Desensitization training:
Training principles, training exercises, & training schedule suggestions Recognizing when to progress, when to regress, and when to get help Introducing EOF protocol (what’s that?) & tapping into memory reconsolidation How to use rest and relaxation to alter the bad memories.

NOTE: Realistically, we cannot hope to cure your dog completely in one day of training. Your dog’s fears have existed for some time, but you should begin to see some behavior improvement in your dog—even after 1 day of training. My goal is to supply you with the know-how and techniques so that you can help your fearful dog unlearn his/her fears. It is an ongoing process that I hope you will continue and have fun doing (really!) while you are at home, too.

Help! My dog is afraid of ghosts!
Workshop Dates 2024 (recent)